Contemplations for busy people

von Kai Romhardt

Contemplations for busy people

These contemplations help us look deeply into our more or less busy lives. We can pick and choose two or three sentences and consciously connect to them in silence. When working with longer pieces of text, it is recommended to let at least three mindful breaths happen between the individual sentences.


May I reduce my reactivity and cultivate my distance to impulses.


May I let a small gap emerge between any two activities in which I reassure myself, with a smile, that I wish to live and work in freedom and joy.


May I look at myself and my surroundings with loving kindness.


May I reduce the amount of judgment unto myself and others.


May I not get lost in the future or in my projects, and may I not seek refuge in success in the outside world.


May I enjoy the natural breaks that occur during the day as true gifts, rather than jamming them with additional activities.


May I develop an awareness of the state of mind I am in at any moment, and may I act (or refrain from acting) accordingly.


May I recognise whenever impatience, dissatisfaction, fear or irritation arise in me, and may my words, deeds and thoughts not be ruled by these states of mind.


May I regularly and consciously invite states of mind such as joy, shared joy, compassion, serenity or patience, rather than waiting for them to “happen” to me.


May I create brief periods of leisure even during busy days, phases in which there is nothing to do, in which my planning mind can come to a rest, free from having to follow the logic of achieving goals.


May I not deceive myself, not rationalise my actions, and not pretend to be busy.


May I find the right measure between work and non-work.


May I learn to stay in the present moment peacefully, to enjoy my simple being, and to touch the deep joy of the absence of intention.


May I regularly enter into a mode of non-contact with work and projects, and may I grant myself the permission to be unavailable.


May I be pursuing tasks whose deeper sense and meaning I believe in, and may I not use my life energy to serve meaningless purposes.


May I experience the joyful relaxedness of single-tasking and end unnecessary multi-tasking.


May I regularly take time to reach a state of mindfulness and concentration, rather than working, listening or making decisions in “autopilot” mode.


May I not leave all options open to myself, but make wise, value-based decisions to reduce the number of options available to me, thus embarking on a safe path in my life.


May I find wise teachers, like-minded people and companions who support me on my path and give guidance to me.


May I identify the true drivers in my life and not numb myself with activity and work.


May I not get “infected” by the busyness and breathlessness in my surroundings.


May I invest more time and energy in taming my mind.


May I be more mindful of HOW I do things and develop an awareness of the quality of the many small steps in my life.


May I learn to truly perceive, appreciate and enjoy the inconspicuous and seemingly normal.


May I not avoid and flee from the uncomfortable.


May I not flee into inner or outer distraction when I am alone.


May I befriend silence.


When listening, may I make my simultaneous inner stream of thoughts gently fade away by focusing on my breath and not following each and every impulse of my mind.


May I find the strength and determination to leave my smartphone at home, for a change.


May I free myself from restricted images of my self and from identifications, and may I touch my true self, which is interconnected with everything naturally and effortlessly.


May I understand how the basic principles and values of society and of my family of origin permeate my concepts of work and busyness and guide my actions and emotions.


May I endure to be perceived by others as visibly non-busy.


May I laugh at my imperfection, each day anew.


May all beings be happy.



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