Centro Avalokita (Italy): Consapevolezza e compassione nelle organizzazioni e nelle aziende (International Retreat in English and Italian)
Datum: 11.06.2025 - 15.06.2025Typ:
Mindfulness and compassion in organizations and companies
in English with translation to Italian
Full information about the retreat in Italian will be provided by the end of november
Informazioni complete sul ritiro in italiano sarà fornito entro la fine di novembre
SAVE THE DATE 11-15, June 2025 at Centro Avalokita/Italy
Retreat with Dr. Kai Romhardt and active members of the Network for Mindful Business
In this seminar we will share our paths and experiences. We will explore — through actual group practice in the retreat community — methods and practices for building mindfulness in organisations and Companies. With the Mindful Business Commitment (Impegni per un’economia di consapevolezza) we will offer attendees a set of aspirational ethical principles designed to support us in our daily work and help us engage mindfully within organisations.
After 20 years collecting experiences and inspiring transformation within the German-speaking world, the non-profit Network for Mindful Business (Netzwerk Achtsame Wirtschaft e.V.) presents this retreat as a platform for sharing experiences and resources in Italy.
For more information please contact Centro Avalokita/Italy