Our goals
Here is a selection of goals listed in our non-profit bylaws:
(1) Promote of mindfulness, compassion, understanding, and wisdom of our members by organizing and conducting meditation gatherings, retreats, ceremonies, and other forms of events to practice and deepen Buddhist practice and to share the practice of Buddhist practice.
(2) Support the common meditation and mindfulness practice of the members.
(3) Advance Buddhist methods and insights for our time and our economy.
(4) Utilize the potential of Buddhist teaching, practice and wisdom for our economy today and economic action of the individual.
(5) Organize events such as seminars, retreats, lectures, conferences, and other appropriate formats based on Buddhist teachings.
(6) Support common understanding of deeper economic contexts and work together towards a more attentive economy.
(7) Connect, inspire, and encourage people who work in economic contexts and institutions based on Buddhist teachings, practice, and ethics.
(8) Organize Mindful Co-Working days, impulse evenings, exchange rounds and other joint events that deepen our understanding of the potentials of mindful economics and meditation practice.
(9) Write books, articles, videos, and other media that demonstrate the potential of mindful economics in the spirit of Buddhist teaching.
(10) Implement and organize actions, demonstrations and campaigns that support the goals of the association.
(11) Internationalize our concerns by translating relevant books, publications, instruments and support the establishment of regional groups in non-German-speaking countries.
(12) Support and plant initiative groups and regional groups within the network.
(13) Initiate projects and form knowledge-sharing and practice communities in the field of mindful economics (e.g., the "mindfulness in the organization" working group)
(14) Develop content about our central topics through our own research, research collaborations and other suitable methods.
(15) Develop and disseminate best practices in mindfulness in business.
(16) Develop and disseminate a mindfulness-based and Buddhist-inspired business ethics.
(17) Build a network of practitioners in various sectors of our economy, businesses, universities, students, editors, and various Buddhist institutions.
(18) Systematically publicize work in the topic areas.
(19) Protect the Dharma from economic exploitation, avoid "Buddhism light” and stand opposed to any concept of mindfulness that is removed from ethical foundations.
(20) Collect contributions and donations to support and finance these tasks.